"We are the chosen generation! Rise up holy nation!
God we live for you!
You have called us out of darkness into life so glorious!
God we live for you!"
God we live for you!
You have called us out of darkness into life so glorious!
God we live for you!"
Passion rocked my socks. In anticipation of the 2011 Live Link on Monday, I am very excited to get some details for next year. Despite the fact that I'm too old to attend I will definitely be there as a volunteer. I also rally behind the idea that those of us 18-30ish are a part of a generation ready to make some changes. We've got our work cut out for us, but we're prepared to wake up this nation around us. It's time to show everyone the awesome God we serve! I'm ready to live for God, time to make him famous! Besides like the song says if we can't figure it out my God can't be moved or shaken, and I'm convinced he has big plans for us! Do you feel the stir??
"Our God will not be moved. Our God will never be shaken!"
If you're interested in hearing some of the music we experience at Passion this year check out this link:
If you're interested in hearing some of the music we experience at Passion this year check out this link: